How To Solve Comprehension Questions Quickly



Comprehensions judge your capability and ability of understanding the passage,your power of analysing the problem in proper perspective and your ability of presenting your answer quickly, correctly and systematically.

How To Read-
Reading Comprehension questions are designed to test a wide range of abilities that are required in order to read and understand the abilities of  candidate. Those abilities include:
• Understanding the meaning of individual words and sentences.
• Understanding the meaning of paragraphs and larger bodies of text.
• Distinguishing between minor and major points.
• Summarizing a passage.
• Drawing conclusions from the information provided.
• Reasoning from incomplete data to infer missing information.
• Understanding the structure of a text in terms of how the parts relate to one another.
• Identifying the author’s assumptions and perspective.
• Analyzing a text and reaching conclusions about it.
• Identifying strengths and weaknesses of a position.
• Developing and considering alternative explanations.

How To Answer The Questions-
1.Questions are to be answer on the basis of information provided in the passage and you are not expected to release on outside knowledge of a particular topic. your own views or opinions may sometime conflict with the views expressed or information provided in the passage.Be sure that you work within the context of the passage.You should not expect to agree with everything you encounter in reading passages.

2.You should analyse passage carefully before answering the accompanying questions. As with any kinds of close and thoughtful readings, look for clues that will help you understand less explicit aspects of the passage. Try to separate main ideas from supporting ideas or evidence.
3.Note transition from one idea to the next and examine the relationships among the different ideas or part of the passage. consider the point of the author made, the conclusion drawn and how and why those points are made or conclusions are drawn.
4.Read each question carefully and to be certain that you understand exactly what is being asked.
5.Always read all the answer choice before selecting the best answer.
6.The best answer is the one that most accurately and most completely answers the questions being posed. Be careful not to pick an answer choice simply because it is true statement. Be careful also known to be mislead bike answer choice that are only partially true or only partially satisfied the problem posed in the question.
7. The methodology of eliminating wrong answer work here. It simply means that if you are unable to judge the right choice or right answer ,tick the answers that are incorrect, in this way if there remains one answer to be ticked, that will be the correct answer.But if there remains more than one answer to be ticked then it is you, whether you like to take risk or not.

Comprehension Example1.
Story telling is not in our genes. Neither it is an evolutionary history. It is the essence of what makes us Human.
Human beings progress by telling stories. One event can result in a great variety of stories being told about it. Sometimes those stories differ greatly. Which stories are picked up and repeated and which ones are dropped and forgotten often determines how we progress.
Our history, knowledge and understanding are all the collections of the few stories that survive. This includes the stories that we tell each other about the future. And how the future will turn out depends partly, possibly largely, on which stories we collectively
choose to believe.
Some stories are designed to spread fear and concern. This is because some story-tellers feel that there is a need to raise some tensions. Some stories are frightening, they are like totemic warnings : "Fail to act now and we are all doomed." Then there are stories that indicate that all will be ne so long as we leave everything upto a few especiallv able adults. Currently, this trend is being led by those who call themselves "rational optimists".
They tend to claim that it is human nature to compete and to succeed and also to profit at the expense of others. The rational optimists however, do not realize how humanity has
progressed overtime through amiable social networks and how large groups work in less selfishness and in the process accommodate rich and poor, high and low alike. This aspect
in story-telling is considered by the ’Practical Possibles’, who sit between those who say all is fine and cheerful and be individualistic in your approach to a successful future, and
those who ordain pessimism and fear that we are doomed.What the future holds for us is which stories we hold on to and how we act on them.

1. Our knowledge is a collection of
A. all stories that we have heard during our life-time
B. Some stories that we remember
C. A few stories that survive
D. Some important stories

2. Story telling is
A. An art
B. A science
C. In our genes
D. The essence of what makes us human

3. How the future will turn out to be, depends upon the stories
A. We collectively choose to believe in
B. Which are repeatedly narrated
C. Designed to spread fear and tension
D. Designed to make prophecy

4. Rational optimists :
a) Look for opportunities
b) Are sensible and cheerful
c) Are selfishly driven
A. (a), (b) and (c)
B. (a) only
C. (a) and (b) only
D. (b) and (c) only

5. Humans become less selfish when
A. They work in large groups
B. They listen to frightening stories
C.Tthey listen to cheerful stories
D. They work in solitude

6. Practical Possibles’ are the ones who
A. Follow Midway Path
B. Are doom-mongers
C. Are self-centred
D. Are cheerful and carefree

1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. A
Example 2-
Heritage conservation practices improved worldwide after the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property. (ICCROM) was established with UNESCO’s assistance in 1959. The inter-governmental organisation with 126 member states has done a commendable job by training more than 4,000 professionals, providing practice standards, and sharing technical expertise. In this golden jubilee year, as we acknowledge its key role in global conservation, an assessment of international practices would be meaningful to the Indian conservation movement. Consistent investment, rigorous attention, and dedicated research and dissemination are some of the positive lessons to imbibe. Countries such as Italy have demonstrated that prioritizing heritage with significant budget provision pays. On the other hand, India, which is no less endowed in terms of cultural capital, has a long way to go. Surveys indicate that in addition to the 6,600 protected monuments, there are over 60,000 equally valuable heritage structures that await attention. Besides the small group in the service of Archaeological Survey of India, there are only about 150 trained conservation professionals. In order to overcome this severe shortage the emphasis has been on setting up dedicated labs and training institutions. 
It would make much better sense for conservation to be made part of mainstream research and engineering Institutes, as has been done in Europe.Increasing funding and building institutions are the relatively easy part. The real challenge is to redene international approaches to address local contexts. Conservation cannot limit itself to enhancing the art-historical value of the heritage structures which international charters perhaps over emphasize. The eort has to be broad-based. It must also serve as a means to improving the quality of life in the area where the heritage structures are located.
The first task therefore is to integrate conservation efforts with sound development plans that take care of people living in the heritage vicinity. Unlike in western countries, many traditional building crafts survive in India, and conservation practices offer an avenue to support them. This has been acknowledged by the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage charter for conservation but is yet to receive substantial state support.
More strength for heritage conservation can be mobilised by aligning it with the green building movement. Heritage structures are essentially eco-friendly and conservation could become a vital part of the sustainable building practices campaign in future.

1. The outlook for conservation heritage changed
A. after the establishment of the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property.
B. after training the specialists in the eld.
C. after extending UNESCO’s assistance to the educational institutions.
D. after ASI’s measures to protect the monuments.

2. The inter-government organization was appreciated because of
A. increasing number of members to 126.
B. imparting training to professionals and sharing technical expertise.
C. consistent investment in conservation.
D. its proactive role in renovation and restoration.

3. Indian conservation movement will be successful if there would be
A. Financial support from the Government of India.
B. Non-governmental organisations role and participation in the conservation movement.
C. consistent investment, rigorous attention, and dedicated research and dissemination of awareness for conservation
D. Archaeological Survey of India’s meaningful assistance.

4. As per the surveys of historical monuments in India, there is very small number of protected monuments. As per given the total number of monuments and enlisted number of protected monuments percentage comes to
A. 10 percent
B. 11 percent
C. 12 percent
D. 13 percent

5. What should India learn from Europe to conserve our cultural heritage?
i. There should be signicant budget provision to conserve our cultural heritage.
ii. Establish dedicated labs and training institutions.
iii. Force the government to provide suffcient funds.
iv. Conservation should be made part of mainstream research and engineering institutes.
Choose the correct statement
A. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
B. (i), (ii), (iv)
C. (i), (ii)
D. (i), (iii), (iv)

6. INTACH is known for its contribution for conservation of our cultural heritage. The full form of INTACH is
A. International Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage.
B. Intra-national Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage.
C. Integrated Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage.
D. Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage.

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