Computer Knowledge |What are the Input Devices Of Computer? | For All Compevitive Exam|Collect all output devices and input devices with pictures and the information of computer system

Computer Knowledge | Input Devices Of Computer

Input devices

Input  devices are used to input data, information and instructions into the RAM. main input devices are following-
Light pen
Touch Screen
Scanner etc

keyboard a input device in computer tablet mobile phone and many other electronic items.keyboard is connected to the computer using USB connection buy wireless connection in case of tablet and mobile phones that keyboard is open virtual or a type of touch screen Technology.
It is used for entering data directly into the computer. ,As Similar to typewriter pressing a key , a unique of binary digit are generated and send to the computer the computer use binary digit to present a quantity.

It is a Pointing device used for moving a pointer on a computer monitor. It converts the movement of the user's hand into a unique set of binary digits the position of mouse at particular instant. when the user moves the mouse across a flat surface, the pointer moves in the direction of mouse 's movement.
Input Devices

a trackball has a ball that can be rotated in different direction to move the pointer on the screen such a device is usually found in laptops.

Light Pen
Light pen is also a pointing device that can be used to select an option by simply pointing at it on the computer screen for for drawing figure directly on the screen i.consists of a photocell mounted on a pan shaped tube and is capable of sensing a position on the screen when is touch the screen it can be used to draw figures on the screen.

Joystick -
It consists of a vertical stick that can be move to control on screen object it is used to play computer games.

Graphic Tablet -
Itallowed the user to create digital drawing by handwriting image on a flat surface using a special pen stylus it is use a Computer aided design CAD terminals and engineering work station.
Graphic Tablet

It  can be used to convert a photograph or a printing document into a digital file .
1.Flatbed Scanner -Document to be scan in place face down on a glass plate.
 2.Drum Scanner uses a rotating glass drum to scan document.

Digital Camera 
Digital camera  make video is still photograph of both recording image on a light sensitive sensor can include such as displaying an image on the screen recorded to take thousands of image on a single small memory device the ability to record video with sound and the ability to edit image.

Optical Mark Reader
 OMR it is a special type of optical scanner used to recognise the type of Mark made by pen or pencil. It is used where one out of a few alternative is to be selected and marked. It is specially used for checking the answer sheet of examination having multiple choice questions.

Optical Character Reader OCR 
OCR is also an optical scanner which is capable of detecting alphanumeric characters type of printing on paper using and OCR formed devices used for large volume application like grading of passengers tickets computer printing bill of credit cards companies and reading of zip code in postal services.

Barcode reader 
This device is an optical scanner used for reading barcode data.It is generally used in labelling goods numbering the books for encoding ID or account numbers.

Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MICR used to recognise the magnetically charged characters mainly found on bank cheque.MICR is used by the banking industry for the processing of cheques special equipment is used to encode decode and process the cheques.

Voice input  devices
 These devices can recognise the human voice  . This seems to be very useful but are not popular due to storage of limited vocabularies and variations in way of pronouncing words by different persons.

Touch screen 
Screen lock the user to interact with the computer by simply find touching where is element on the screen agreed made up of sensing lines determine the location of a touch by matching vertical and horizontal contact touchscreen or overuse in airline railway reservation counters.

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