NTA UGC NET Paper 1 -Internet Basics (ICT) Notes

Computers  have  the ability to communicate or exchange data or information with other computers .To be able to communicate with each other, the computer need to be connected together. This Interconnection of computer is called network and interconnection of network is called Internet .

Internet is based on client server architecture.

  • The Client is a program that provide an interface to the user to request from the client that initiates the communications with the server.
  • The server is a program that host and manages the services available on the internet. The server quit from the client and respond to such requests.

Packet Switching-
The internet uses the packet switching technology  for transmission of data.
  • Large message are broken into smaller pieces i.e. Packets
  • Each packet is labeled with the sequence number, destination address and other relevant information 
  • The packet travel independently over the network to the target destination.
  • At the destination, the packets are reassembled to form the original message.

Protocol- A set conditionof rules and conventions that specify how the data will be transferred between the computers on network.
For example-
 HTTP  Hyper Text  Transfer Protocol,www is use HTTP for transfer of documents.

FTP - File Transfer Protocol( b/w computer s in a network).

SMTP- Simple mail  Transfer Protocol
It is the most popular protocol for transferring electronic mail on the internet.

TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/internet protocol
Used for transporting data between the the computers in a a network.

World Wide Web- WWW  is  a service on the internet that allows to access and view information over the internet.

Web Browser- an application program that provide a way to look at and interact with all the information on www.
For example Mozilla Firefox , Internet Explorer
Web Pages- a document on the www created using HTML contain special text code hypertext that when clicked open any webpage.

Website- a website is a collection of related web pages on the www by unique name.

Web Server-is a program is server computer that host a large number of web pages and deliver the requested  web page to clients.
For example Apache web server ,Apache tomcat ,Microsoft Internet information server.

Domain Name System - DNS is a system that translates domain names into IP address on the internet or on local network that use the TCP/IP protocol.
E.g.- www.parveenaa.com is a domain name would be converted into IP address

Domain Name/ web Address- is the unique name that identifies a website on the internet.
eg-  parveenaa.com
         name.      extension

Point Should be Know-
  • A Domain name can have alphabets,number or both.
  • Hyphen is only special character allowed in it
  • Length is < 64 characters including extension .
  •  must have valid domain extension.
IP Address- is a numerical address given to every computer connected to the internet for its unique identification.
Example the IP address of www.parveenaa.com is .

E-Mail- used to send text messages electronically to individuals or groups of people we can send or receive attachments such as text documents pictures or you and video with the messages it is is provide a fast efficient and cost effective way to communicate with distant friend family member or colleagues you can send email message to person in a same building or in a part of the world.

 E-mail is divided in two parts header and body.
 The message header contains the following fields-
 To- This field contain the email address of the recipient of the mail.For example username@hostname. parveenaa@gmail.com

Cc -This will contain the email addresses of recipients who will also get a copy of the mail.
BCC- The recipient in this field will receive the mail without any of the other recipient knowing about it.

URL -Uniform resource locator
The address or location of a web page on the www or the internet.

Video conferencing-
This is real time video and audio communications between terminals you basically need a webcam and personal computer to start video conferencing video conferencing is a useful method of communications because it save both time and travel expense and often accomplish many of things that a physical meeting can. 

Point To Point -video conference involves between two locations .
 Multi Point-  More than two locations .

ICT and Governance-
The use of ICT tools like TV, Radio and the internet improves the flow of infromation between government and the citizens.
E-Governance-  Government department have started providing information of public interest on the internet that 

  • increase efficiency and transparency in the functioning of the government.
  • Save time and effort of employee and consumer.
  • Also send and track grievances online.
The use of ICT thus brings the government closer to its citizens. Its provides an ideal framework for dialogue between the principal actors of development- the state, business sectors,NGOs,civil society, political parties and citizen.


Computer is a fast electronic device that processes the input  data according to the instructions given by the programmer/ user and provides the designed information as an output.

Data- A set of basic facts and entities which itself has no meaning.
Information- Data which has some meaning or value.
Instruction- A statement given to computer to perform a task.
Input-  Data and instructions given to computer.
Process- Manipulation of data.
Output- Information obtained after processing of  data.

Characteristics of computer

Fast-  computer courses millions of instruction per second.

Accurate -computer does not make mistakes if it has provided accurate instruction.
Diligence- computer can do to all calculation very efficiently and without any tiredness and boredom.

High memorycomputer game store millions of instruction and data which can be retrieved even after in number of years.

No Intelligence -computer is a machine and has no intelligence of its own each and every instruction must be given to computer for doing any task it means computer cannot take decision on its own.

Classification of computers on behalf of Three criteria- purpose, technology  and size and capacity.

  1. According to according to purpose-

General purpose computer are used for general requirement such as sales analyse financial accounting invoicing inventory management information etc. almost all the computers used in office for commercial educational and other applications are general purpose computer.

2.Special purpose computer
 Used to perform special task like scientific application and research weather forecasting space application medical diagnostic etc

3.Technology used there are three types

  • Analogue computer special purpose computer that represent and store data in continuously wearing physical quantity such as current voltage or frequency.
      Thermometer used to measure temprature.
    Speedometer used to measure speed of Vehicle.

    • Digital computers general purpose computer that represent and store data in discrete quantity or numbers (0,1). All processing is done in terms of numeric representation i.e.Binary Digits(0,1).

    • Hybrid computers is combinations  of analog and digital Computer technology .It can convert analogue information to digital information and vice versa . Hybrid computer basically used in artificial intelligence and Computer aided manufacture super Computer.

    Size and capacity four types-

    Supercomputer  is biggest and fastest computer which is mainly design for complex scientific application has CPU which operate in parallel to make it as fast as computers typically used for the following application-
    Energy Management
     Weather forecasting
     Petroleum exploration and production nuclear energy research
    Structural analysis
    Electronic design 
    Real time animation and

    Examples of supercomputer
      CRAY3, CRAY-XMP-14, NEC500 , PARAM 9000 and PARA M 10000.

    Mainframe Computer
     Computer are very large and fast computer but smaller than supercomputer .They are used in a centralised location via many terminals are connected with one CPU and allow different user to share single CPU. They are very high memory and thousands of users can access.
    Railway and Airline Reservation
     Banking application
     Commercial applications of large industries and company
    Example -
    IBM 3090 ,IBM4381, IBM 4300 , IBM ES -9000.

    Mini Computer
    Is medium -scale ,smaller generally slower than mainframe computer which are connected with one CPU and can support many users . The cost of mini computer is very less as compared to main frame.
     It mainly used in application processing can be distributed among  several minicomputer rather than using a mainframe computer.
    PDP-1, IBM AS/ 400 and  DEC Micro VAX.

    Micro computer(Personal Computer)
    PC is  the smallest digital computers which uses a microprocessor as its CPU .Microprocessor is a single integrated circuit CPU.It can be used as standalone machine as well as it terminal in multi user environment.
    Microcomputer are having very high processing power and memory.
    Microcomputer are either of desktop or protable model(laptop,Notebook).
    Notebook computer are smaller, lighter and costlier than laptop.

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