UGC NET/JRF JUNE-Dec 2023 ICT -Computer Knowledge| Computer and Types of Computer

UGC NET/JRF JUNE 2023 ICT -Computer Knowledge| Computer  and Types of Computer


The computer is a fast electronic device that processes the input data according to the instructions given by the programmer/ user and provides the designed information as an output.

Data- A set of basic facts and entities which itself has no meaning.
Information- Data that has some meaning or value.
Instruction- A statement given to a computer to perform a task.
Input-  Data and instructions given to the computer.
Process- Manipulation of data.
Output- Information obtained after processing of data.

Characteristics of computer

Fast-computer courses millions of instructions per second.

Accurate -A computer does not make mistakes if it has provided accurate instruction.
Diligence- the computer can do all calculations very efficiently and without any tiredness and boredom.

High memory- computer games store millions of instructions and data which can be retrieved even after several years.

No Intelligence A computer is a machine and has no intelligence of its own every instruction must be given to the computer for doing any task which means the computer cannot make decisions on its own.

Classification of computers on behalf of Three criteria- purpose, technology, and size and capacity.

  1. According to purpose-

General-purpose computers are used for general requirements such as sales analysis financial accounting invoicing inventory management information etc. Almost all the computers used in offices for commercial education and other applications are general-purpose computers.

2. Special-purpose computer
 Used to perform special tasks like scientific applications and research weather forecasting space applications medical diagnostics etc
Computer Knowledge| Computer  and Types of Computer

3. Technology used there are three types

  • An analog computer is a special-purpose computer that represents and stores data in continuously wearing physical quantity such as current-voltage or frequency.
  A thermometer is used to measure temperature.
Speedometer used to measure the speed of Vehicle.

  • Digital computers general purpose computers that represent and store data in discrete quantities or numbers (0,1). All processing is done in terms of numeric representation i.e. Binary Digits(0,1).

  • Hybrid computers are combinations of analog and digital Computer technology. It can convert analog information to digital information and vice versa. Hybrid computers are used in artificial intelligence and Computer-aided manufacturing super Computers.

Size and capacity four types-

Super Computer 

The supercomputer  is the biggest and fastest computer which is mainly designed for complex scientific application has a CPU that operate in parallel to make it as fast as computers typically used for the following application-
Energy Management
 Weather forecasting
 Petroleum exploration and production nuclear energy research
Structural analysis
Electronic design 
Real-time animation and

Examples of supercomputer

  CRAY3, CRAY-XMP-14, NEC500, PARAM 9000 and PARA M 10000.

Mainframe Computer

 Computers are very large and fast computers but smaller than supercomputers. They are used in a centralized location via many terminals connected with one CPU and allow the different users to share a single CPU. They have very high memory and thousands of users can access them.
Railway and Airline Reservation
 Banking application
 Commercial applications of large industries and company
Example -

IBM 3090, IBM 381, IBM 4300,  IBM ES -9000.

Mini Computer
Is medium-scale, smaller generally slower than mainframe computers which are connected to one CPU and can support many users. The cost of a mini-computer is much less as compared to the main frame.
 It is mainly used in application processing and can be distributed among several minicomputers rather than using a mainframe computer.

PDP-1, IBM AS/ 400, and  DEC Micro VAX.

Microcomputer(Personal Computer)

PC is the smallest digital computer that uses a microprocessor as its CPU. The microprocessor is a single integrated circuit CPU. It can be used as a standalone machine as well as its terminal in a multi-user environment.
Microcomputers have very high processing power and memory.
Microcomputers are either desktop or portable models (laptop, Notebook).
Notebook computers are smaller, lighter, and costlier than laptops.

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